Aberdeen Research Group Reveals Human Capital Trends of 2012

New Research Identifies Human Capital Trends 2012

WACO, TX; February 29, 2012 – Profiles International is a proud sponsor of Aberdeen Research Group\’s latest research report: Human Capital Management Trends 2012.

As organizations today are required to do more with less, talent decisions take on greater complexity. The mandate for greater efficiency with fewer resources draws attention to the power of assessments. The Aberdeen study was conducted in November and December of 2011, and looks at the key strategies, technologies and capabilities deployed by Best-in-Class HR and talent management practitioners.

Aberdeen research analyst Mollie Lombardi revealed that organizational fit was the top factor in quality of hire two years in a row. The Aberdeen study divided participants in nearly 300 organizations into three catagories, Best-in-Class, Average and Laggard based on performance criteria.

The criteria used to distinguish Best-in-Class organizations were as follows:
81% of employees rated themselves as \’highly engaged\’ in their most recent engagement survey.
71% of key positions have a ready and willing successor identified.
13% year-over-year improvement in hiring manager satisfaction.

The Best-in-Class organizations were found to clearly demonstrate several common characteristics such as:
1. Deep understanding and commitment to align talent initiatives with the overall business objectives.
2. Investment in world-class technology throughout most aspects of talent and workforce management.
3. Demand for greater access to data and information to help streamline processes and create efficiency.

Mountain States Health Alliance (MSHA), a Profiles International client, are featured as a key case study example in the report. MSHA recognized the need for integrated talent management and developed a strategy based on a well-defined competency model, and invested in world-class technology including an array of assessment tools.

Download \’Human Capital Management Trends.\’

Profiles International offers assessment solutions that enable organizations to select the right people and develop them to their full potential. Our solutions help clients screen-out unsuitable candidates, match jobs that fit with inherent capabilities, understand strengths and limitations of successful onboarding, enhance performance and maximize their contribution to the organization. Connect with Profiles International at www.profilesinternational.com or Facebook and Twitter.