CAMPBELL, CA – International recruitment marketing agency CKR Interactive kicks off 2012 with the launch of its new corporate site, designed as a robust source of information for HR professionals. The site ( delivers a one-stop shop for employers, providing information on new services and solutions that will optimize their recruitment efforts, as well as case studies, white papers and portfolio pieces. In addition, CKR Interactive plans to incorporate a blog featuring numerous industry experts within the next month or two.

The new site reflects CKR’s decade-plus experience in developing cutting-edge online portals for clients and industry organizations. HR professionals visiting the site will benefit from the array of information on everything from recruitment metrics, social recruiting, college recruitment and mobile marketing to employee referral programs, search engine marketing, diversity recruitment and, of course, best practices in web design.

“I wanted to showcase the growth of the agency over the years and bring the capabilities of CKR Interactive to the forefront. Plus, the site was built so that we can expand content and functionality as needed. This helps ensure its continued relevance as a major resource for recruitment advertising,” explains Brandon Spencer, director of interactive services.

Skye Callan, interactive marketing director, adds, “This new site will strengthen CKR’s online presence by providing visitors with greater access to the agency’s recruitment industry experts and their wealth of knowledge and experience. We’re removing barriers to our resources because we want to make it easier for site visitors to get the information and knowledge they need to make their jobs easier. Finally, the site is an example of technologies and design practices clients should be leveraging for their own websites – we don’t recommend anything we haven’t already tried and tested for ourselves to ensure optimal results.”

Reflecting the need to keep a website dynamic and engaging, future enhancements are already in progress. First up will be a blog that features numerous industry experts sharing their insights regarding a broad range of relevant topics. The agency will publish new case studies and resources throughout the year, to keep the content fresh and visitors in the know of latest trends and solutions available.  Site visitors will also be able to access a variety of employer branding and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) resources through CKR’s new custom research and workplace communications division, Peer Group US.

To check out the new site and learn more about CKR Interactive’s full range of recruitment marketing services and solutions, visit:

Or contact:
Skye Callan
Interactive Marketing Director
CKR Interactive
(408) 517-1400

About CKR Interactive
Founded in 2001, CKR Interactive is a recruitment marketing agency delivering comprehensive services to today’s employers. Focusing on interactive solutions, the firm’s areas of expertise also include research and planning, creative development and marketing communications. With offices throughout California, New York, Ohio and Florida, and partner agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia, China and India, the award-winning firm’s growing list of clients represents a range of industries, from healthcare/biopharm, energy/oil and high tech to government, finance/insurance and hospitality/food service.