Complimentary AccuScreen Webinar Reviews New Controversial EEOC Background Check Service Guidelines

Tampa, FL — Many business owners and employers are concerned or confused by recent recommendations by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that may impact their decision to utilize a background check service for the screening of new employees. Part of the presentation given by Kevin Connell, CEO and Founder of, a provider for employment screening services, should help to shed some light on the meaning and implications of these new guidelines and recommendations. A complimentary and informative webinar titled, “A Critical Update For Employers: EEOC’s New Guidelines On Employee Criminal Background Checks,” is scheduled to be held on July 11, 2012. Two live sessions will be held at 11am EST and at 4pm EST to help accommodate busy US business owners and employers, as well as cover multiple time zones.

On April 25th, the EEOC met and approved recommendations that not only contradicted past guidelines, but also their own practices. They have stepped outside the lines of their authority by meeting and approving a document without offering the public the opportunity to submit feedback. There is implication that asking applicants about past criminal convictions or obtaining this information through employee screening services may violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. To avoid asking these questions or doing background checks will make it more difficult for employers to ensure they are hiring quality, trustworthy employees.

“Aside from the fact that this ruling by the EEOC actually hurts our country’s efforts at making hiring new employees easier for businesses, a government-funded committee didn’t even give experts outside or the American people a chance to review or comment on such a drastic shift in policy,” said Kevin Connell, CEO and founder of (

While the EEOC cannot outright ban the use of criminal background checks, their recommendations could carry significant weight with those who have hiring authority in US companies. A single line buried within this confusing, jargon-filled 52-page document states, “The Commission recommends that employers not ask about (criminal) convictions on job applications.”

“This webinar will also discuss the EEOC’s lawsuit against Kaplan Higher Education Corporation (“Kaplan”) in the Ohio federal district court. While the lawsuit suggests that Kaplan’s completion of credit checks on potential new employees is potentially violating the Civil Rights Act, the EEOC performs similar checks as part of their own hiring practices. This is just part of why business owners are confused. Businesses need to understand this new ruling, as soon as possible,” concluded Connell.

Those interested in attending this complimentary webinar can register online at:

Those who cannot attend the webinar are encouraged to register for the event as a complimentary “Tips for Employers: What You Need to Know about the EEOC’s New Guidance on Criminal Background Checks,’ will be made available to all webinar registrants.

About Kevin Connell:
Kevin G. Connell is a renowned professional background screening expert. He is recognized for his expertise on employment background screening, criminal record checks, workplace fraud, embezzlement, employee theft, resume fraud and negligent hiring in the workplace. Connell has spoken at numerous business, security & human resources conferences, including twice providing testimony before the Florida Supreme Court. He is widely quoted, has had several articles published in magazines, has been featured on television, including ABC-TV “Money Matters,” the Fox News Channel and has been interviewed on more than 137 live talk radio programs. Connell is a former founding Director of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS).

About AccuScreen:
Since 1994,, ( has been an industry pioneer, leader and expert in employment background screening, specializing in criminal background checks. Its reports are delivered to companies across the world in Instant-72 hours.

Media Contact
Sue Marriott
410 S. Ware Blvd. Suite 607
Tampa, FL 33619
1.800.689.2228 ext # 1100