FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rose Ann Weatherly
(248) 562-2776


There was a time when the employer’s biggest concern was getting customers in the door — and getting them to keep coming back. But now, one of employers’ biggest concerns comes from the hiring process, specifically the I-9 form that is used to establish a worker’s employment eligibility.

The federal government’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) focus has shifted away from punishing illegal immigrants to penalizing employers (audits up 500% since 2008). Even for employers that have recently migrated to an electronic I-9 solution, there are mountains of paper I-9s from the past that can be subjected to audits.

What’s a beleaguered employer to do? Go Retro, says JobApp Network. Retro9, JobApp’s newest product, converts historical paper I-9s to digital form, audits them, and enables you to proactively manage compliance risk. The audit covers 185 error points, delivers a pass/fail report and guidelines for I-9 correction.

JobApp, a market leader in automated hiring systems with its web- and phone-based solution, has integrated automated I-9 compliance that is provided with free, integrated, “one-click” E-Verify capability. According to Ken Lang, vice president of sales at JobApp, “Customers have had an eye-opening experience while undergoing the automated audit and it has given them the opportunity to proactively address compliance issues. Also, using JobApp to automate compliance on a go-forward basis, they have been able to greatly improve the I-9 process and accuracy.”

I-9 compliance is nothing to sleep on. ICE can go back 3 years for I-9 audits, while businesses get just three days to produce all requested forms. Through early July 2011, there were a record-breaking 2,338 employer I-9 audits — with an average employer fine of more than $100,000, where assessed. Fines per noncompliant I-9 range from $110-$1,100. Significant civil and criminal penalties may apply on top of this, if it is proven that the employer knowingly hired employees that were not work authorized.

Research shows 68% of paper I-9s contain errors — not surprising considering its complexity: the federal government’s I-9 handbook is 69 pages long. JobApp explains Retro9 visually in this video:

About JobApp Network The Bloomfield Hills, Mich.-based company provides a unique subscription-based, automated phone and web-based solution for employers. JobApp uses patented services to source, screen and score future employees, streamlining the hiring process, improving the quality of hire and reducing turnover. JobApp’s integrated talent acquisition and services platform includes background checks, tax credit screening and processing, electronic I-9 and W-4 management, forms management and training under one roof. To learn more about JobAppNetwork please contact: 1-866-JOBAPP-0 or visit us on the web at http://www.jobappnetwork.com