Glowan Paper Links Great Leadership to Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Tied to Leadership Success, Reports New White Paper from The Glowan Consulting Group

Article examines how critical leadership skill creates superior work environments

SAN JOSE, CAL. / July 29, 2010 – Emotional intelligence has been called a “soft skill,” but research shows that it delivers bottom-line business results. That’s the core message of a new white paper from The Glowan Consulting Group.

The complimentary white paper is titled “Applying Emotional Intelligence: Why Successful Leaders Need This Critical Skill.” It’s available to download at:

The quality of emotional intelligence is defined as having the ability to understand, manage and respond effectively to one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. A key benefit is that it helps business leaders create a work environment where people at every level are collaborating and aspiring to do their best work.

For example, at PepsiCo, those executives identified as emotionally intelligent generated 10 percent more productivity and added nearly $4 million in economic value. These and other success stories populate the new Glowan paper.

“The best, most successful leaders master their own states of being before they try to lead others,” says Marc Michaelson, co-principal of Glowan Consulting. “They know with great clarity and conviction who they are and what they believe . . . they can calmly navigate the growing complexities of today’s global business environment and inspire their employees at every level.”

Emotional intelligence is the first of a particular set of skills and behaviors—Glowan experts call them Smart Skills™—that are utilized by successful leaders. Other skills include: influencing with integrity, interest-based negotiation, stress management, high-level communication skills and more.

Also examined in the white paper is the concept of Total Life Leadership, which helps individuals begin their journey of self-awareness and self-mastery by evaluating eight key areas of their personal and professional lives.

About The Glowan Consulting Group
The Glowan Consulting Group is in the business of transforming individuals and organizations utilizing its L3 leadership development and executive coaching activities. Our network of experienced business professionals are skilled not only in all facets of developing leaders and managers, but also in operating businesses and preparing organizations to gain competitive advantage in the rapidly changing global environment.

Media Contacts:
John Anderson

Elrond Lawrence
Fisher Vista for Glowan
