Improved Training for Mental Health Initiatives is Essential – According to New Study by’s Research Institute

Most organizations offer mental health benefits, but few address mental health issues well or have educated their managers sufficiently.

Most organizations (73%) offer mental health benefits, but the reality is that few excel at addressing mental health issues or taking preventative measures to reduce workplace stress.  A large majority (82%) of human resources (HR) professionals agree, for example, that stress is still prevalent in their organization, yet only 38% think their company is doing a good job at helping employees deal with stress.

The free research report, The State of Mental Health and Stress in the Workplace 2019, is now available for download.’s Research Institute conducted the study to examine the state of the workplace when it comes to mental health and to determine areas requiring proactive improvements regarding mental wellness for the workforce.

Notable research insights point to a worrisome statistic that just 11% strongly agree their company is good at helping employees address mental health issues. In addition, only 18% agree that their managers are well prepared to recognize employee stress or are able to guide their employees who are suffering from stress.   This highlights a significant deficiency gap in manager training for dealing with work-related stress.

Results also highlight some characteristics of successful health and wellness programs such as existence of employee assistance plans, support from top management, and a proactive company culture where it is acceptable to discuss stress.

“It’s concerning that so many organizations are not ‘walking the walk’ when it comes to the top-down support for manager training and preparation for supporting mental wellness,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of “There are several actionable strategies we can take immediately to help our employees.”

Download the full report and convenient infographic, which include details on 12 key takeaways to help HR ensure there is a state of mental wellness in the workplace and that effective mental health initiatives are in place for the future.



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For more information, contact:
Debbie McGrath
Chief Instigator and CEO,