Juice Inc. Offers New Webinar to Help Organizations Drive Results in Todays Feelings Economy

GUELPH, Ontario — Nov. 2, 2011 — Employee engagement and productivity expert Juice Inc. will co-present, alongside organization development firm ODScore, a webinar to educate participants how they can empower their employees to become engaged through effective internal communication.

The Wednesday, November 16 webinar, “How to Measure Results in the Feelings Economy,” will take place from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST) and will help attendees construct a messaging roadmap that ensures enterprise-wide employee engagement. Registration information for the complimentary webinar is available at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/583738161.

Christy Pettit, senior partner at ODScore and Brady Wilson, co-founder of Juice, will illuminate the differences between engagement surveys, provide examples and case studies and teach attendees how to communicate the initiative to engage the greatest number of employees in the process.

“People leave organizations when they become disengaged,” said Wilson.  “If organizations can detect and transform that disengagement with appropriate communication methods, they can keep their employees and remain competitive by inspiring engagement.”

Attendees of the webinar will garner a better understanding of:
•    The evolution from employee satisfaction to retention, engagement and now, energizing people.
•    How releasing organization energy impacts a great employee and customer experience and great results.
•    The evolving meaning of retention.
•    Employee-manager partnerships — how employees can own their own engagement.
•    How to translate engagement data into a conversation and the tools to do it effectively.
Pettit provides consultation on employee communication, alternative work arrangements, succession, engagement, collaboration, performance measurement and management, knowledge transfer, mentoring, and implementation of strategic people plans.

Juice’s Wilson is an author and expert on how conversation affects organizational energy to create dynamic results. He has been called upon internationally by Fortune 500 clients to help them use a “conversational operating system” to overcome insurmountable challenges and achieve unprecedented results.

To learn more and register for “How to Measure Results in the Feelings Economy,” visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/583738161.

About Juice
Juice Inc. delivers training and development services to increase employee engagement and productivity. Juice works with companies that want to build a productive culture and understand that interactions between people are major drivers of organizational success. Juice’s conversation-enhancing methodology delivers a process for improving the human experience in the workplace, while driving employee performance and business results. For additional information, visit www.juiceinc.com.

About ODScore
ODScore provides consultation on employee communication, alternative work arrangements, succession, engagement, collaboration, performance measurement and management, knowledge transfer, mentoring, and implementation of strategic people plans. ODScore works directly with clients and also as subcontractors with aligned organizations. For additional information, visit www.odscore.com.

Lara Hall
Juice Inc.

Adriana Saldana