JustGoodNews.Biz Connects Job Seekers to Companies with Positive News

Oklahoma City, OK — JustGoodNews.biz launches today, offering job seekers, business professionals and economic supporters a website devoted to positive economic news from around the country and information on who’s hiring and where. www.JustGoodNews.biz will provide readers with a one-stop shop to see what’s happening in their state and community, from businesses that are expanding to companies that are hiring to innovators making a big splash.

JustGoodNews.Biz is dedicated to gathering and publishing quality stories about the positive economic developments happening all over the country for people who are seeking jobs and information about economic development all in one spot.

“You’re seeing it in your hometown and state. Companies are expanding, businesses are hiring, innovations are coming to the forefront and you can help by publicizing that good news on our site,” said Kris Rush, founder of JustGoodNews.Biz. “So if you know about any company that is expanding, hiring, or innovating, that is good news everyone needs to hear about. So please, share it with us.”

JustGoodNews.Biz is the brainchild of Kris and Dick Rush. Kris was a local chamber executive and industrial developer in California for 12 years, a marketing consultant to the London (England) Chamber of Commerce and Regional Director for the US Chamber.

Her expertise in award-winning advocacy and marketing communications and political education campaigns brings a wealth of grassroots expertise to Rush Strategies, where she coordinates Association Management Services. She led Oklahoma State Chamber’s Prosperity Project — a nonpartisan election education program that helps citizens go to the polls informed on issues and candidates impacting the economy and jobs.

Richard “Dick” Rush — Senior Vice President of Ingenuity — was a Chamber of Commerce executive for 40 years, leading national campaigns to foster economic growth, jobs and prosperity.

Retired recently as President of the Oklahoma State Chamber after 23 years, he served the mission of free enterprise throughout his career as Director for the US Chamber, the California Chamber, plus the San Francisco and the San Rafael chambers.

JustGoodNews.biz launches today. The website includes ways contributors can include positive stories of their own or job openings relevant to their business or city. The goal is to connect businesses that are expanding with trained, quality job seekers, as well as to share the growth and economic victories happening in America.

“So many times, all you hear is the bad news. Sure, we have a volatile economy right now, but there are good things happening in your community and your state,” said Kris Rush. “It’s important to showcase those stories and to help workers connect with companies that are hiring.”

For more information about JustGoodNews.biz, contact Kris Rush at [email protected] or 405-664-0261.
