LinkedIn Co-founder Konstantin Guericke Joins Board of Accolo Signifying Trend Toward Cloud Recruiting

Larkspur, CA — June 4, 2012 — Accolo, Inc., the leading Cloud Recruiting® company, today publicly announced that LinkedIn Co-Founder, Konstantin Guericke joined the Accolo Board of Directors. Mr. Guericke, in addition to being a highly successful entrepreneur, has a passion for exploring the intersection of psychology, sociology and computing.

Hiring is one of the least data driven functions in business today. Most hiring managers, and even talent acquisition professionals are primarily using subjective analysis and simple keyword matching techniques to determine the candidate fit and make hiring decisions. Accolo, by contrast, is pushing the envelope on using a heuristic, data driven model and experiential reasoning to help manage the uncertainty of hiring.

“Accolo works with LinkedIn and other recruitment tools to make hiring significantly easier by harnessing the collective intelligence of hiring managers,” said Mr. Guericke. “I’m delighted to be working with the talented team at Accolo and helping them to execute their mission of measurably reducing unemployment.”

“We are delighted to have such a luminary join our Board of Directors,” emphasized John Younger, President and CEO of Accolo. “Konstantin has a talent for seeing opportunities to build technology companies that capitalize on basic human motivators. His perspectives and experience fits well with our Cloud Recruiting vision to create a new hiring paradigm.”

Mr. Guericke joins Chuck Saunders, former CEO of Broadlane, Ho Nam, General Partner of Altos Ventures and John Younger, Accolo’s Founder and CEO on the Accolo Board of Directors.

Guericke, who graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. and M.S. in engineering, is a venture partner at Earlybird Venture Capital, serves on the board of Doximity and mentors Stanford student entrepreneurs. Mr. Guericke previously served as CEO of jaxtr, a social communications startup with over 10 million members, and led LinkedIn’s marketing as vice president from pre-product phase to six million members and profitability. Prior to LinkedIn, Konstantin served as vice president of marketing at slide sharing community, and as vice president of sales and marketing for Black Sun Interactive, a pioneer in 3-D social software at the dawn of the web. To learn more about his background, view his profile at

About Accolo
Accolo® is the leading Cloud Recruiting® solution. Unlike any other hiring option, Accolo’s bold approach combines a patented SaaS Cloud Recruiting platform with embedded social network job marketing, a collective intelligence Hiring Knowledgebase™ and best-practice based workflow. Companies use Accolo’s Cloud Recruiting solutions to materially increase the productivity of their internal recruiting process, while being able to scale recruiting capacity on-demand. Many leverage Accolo as their turn-key internal recruiting department. Accolo is acknowledged as the leading On-demand Recruitment Process Outsourcer (RPO) and is a founding member of the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association. ( For more information, visit

Cynthia Countouris
Marketing and Public Relations