British weight loss experts Slimming World to Host Solutions Session at HRSouthWest Conference

DALLAS, Oct. 8, 2012 – Figures released in the past week by the American Public Health Association indicate that obesity will account for 21 per cent of health care spending by 2018. Rising rates of obesity pose an enormous challenge to employers both in terms of the costs associated with this epidemic and issues such as absenteeism and risks of developing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

There is increasing recognition among employers that many employees need ongoing, professional support for healthy lifestyle and behavior change advice. Slimming World, the UK’s largest and most advanced weight loss organization has been providing both group and online weight loss support for over 43 years. The company launched its online program across the USA and Canada in February 2012, making its unique plan available to individuals and organizations.

As part of a new program being introduced at the HRSouthWest Conference this year, Slimming World is delighted to be hosing a Solutions Session to explore the complex psychological, emotional and physical issues that overweight and obesity bring and demonstrate how to successfully bring about sustainable, long term behavior change.

Nann Philips who is the Business Development and Exhibits Director for The HRSouthwest Conference says, “The Solution Sessions are designed to enable conference attendees to compare services and information from multiple solution providers in a non-promotional setting. Conference exhibitors are provided with the opportunity to extend their tradeshow presence in a way that is educational and informative.”

“With the overcrowded weight loss market in the USA, it’s difficult for HR Professionals to cut through the noise, the myths and mis-information to find effective, healthy and sustainable solutions for their employees’ weight and health,” says Yvonne Sanders, Business Development Manager for Slimming World USA.

“We’re excited by the enhanced opportunities that hosting one of the Solutions Sessions will provide to us—namely, to connect with as many HR as possible and demonstrate the effectiveness of our program.”

Slimming World is exhibiting at booth #719 at The HRSouthWest Conference which takes place October 14 through 17 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, TX and will be presenting their Solutions Session on October 16. They are offering 10 complimentary 3-month memberships to all attending companies.

About Slimming World
Slimming World is Britain’s largest and most advanced weight loss organization. It was founded in 1969 to offer people a very different approach to weight loss: a hunger-busting healthy eating plan based on the science of satiety and energy density, an activity program to suit individual needs and preferences, and support that offers compassion, empathy and understanding. Slimming World has a deep understanding of the emotional, physical and psychological challenges faced by overweight people, and this understanding underscores the company’s philosophy and methods. In more than four decades, Slimming World has helped millions of people to lose weight and live healthier, happier lives. To learn more about the program please visit For further information about Slimming World Online and workplace programs please contact Yvonne Sanders, Slimming Worlds Business Development Manager at 972-480-4319.