WorkSimple Introduces Goal Suggestion Application for Social Goal Management

WorkSimple’s Goal Suggestion app empowers the wisdom of crowds to drive business innovation, revolutionizing how companies plan and develop goals for employees and delivering measurable results.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 23, 2011)—WorkSimple, the Social Goal Management Company, has launched the world’s first social goal application to empower the wisdom of crowds to identify profitable business objectives—then act on them.

Dubbed “Suggestion Box,” for goals, the new app allows organizations to unleash the innovative minds of employees to improve business results. WorkSimple developed the Goal Suggestion Box on the premise that every organization has internal teams with the potential to generate innovative business ideas that could drive new growth or streamline operations for greater profitability.

Suggestion Box solves a painful problem in many organizations: how to surface the best business objectives to operate smarter, faster and more efficiently. By crossing departmental lines with a Web-based platform that makes suggesting goals simple, Suggestion Box quickly translates good ideas into actionable business goals. The app allows management to solicit meaningful suggestions without getting bogged down in a time-consuming goal planning process, making goal planning simpler and more effective for organizations of all sizes.

Goal Suggestion Box in Action
Here’s how Suggestion Box works: Any employee can suggest goals. WorkSimple allows employees to vote on the goals that most impact their success, providing a new level of employee engagement and driving the most popular ideas to the top, much like the popular social bookmarking tool Digg. Employees can suggest and vote on goals such as product, pricing, marketing, training, or anything else the company may need to focus on.

Suggest Goals: Every community member is empowered to suggest goals, and open a direct public dialogue with other employees and management. Management may introduce goal categories to help spur a discussion and engagement.

Vote on Suggested Goals: The best goals bubble to the top as community members vote and promote the most valuable ideas.

Commit on Goals: With Suggestion Box, teams have the ability to focus on goals or leave them unassigned until they can prioritize. To provide all-important feedback, WorkSimple showcases only accepted goals.

Recognition for Suggested Goals: Suggestion Box opens the door for employees to earn recognition for engaging in the goal planning process.


Ben Moore, Founder and CTO

“Worksimple offers a glimpse of the future of goal planning and performance management, a user-generated discussion forum revolving around business goals. By involving your staff in the goal planning process every step of the way you can drive incredible levels of engagement year round. The team can take action on the very best ideas.”

Morgan Norman, Founder and CEO

“With WorkSimple’s Goal Suggestion Box, your team has an opportunity to voice performance ideas and play a direct role in improving the company’s chances for success in a competitive marketplace. Think of Suggestion Box as a new perk where employees are recognized for contributing useful suggestions.”

“WorkSimple’s Social Goal Management platform now includes a new type of application, empowering employees to develop and drive the best goals from their performance communities. Implications for teams and organizations is massive on productivity and focus. This breakthrough release represents the dramatic expansion of WorkSimple’s product portfolio made possible by social goals.”


WorkSimple’s Social Goal Management platform is designed to be the first place for employees to share, track and follow the goals that impact their success, which enables faster decision-making and productivity improvements. WorkSimple combines information from goal management and social software into a simple user experience that fosters usage and communication around employees goals, company objectives, and team objectives.


WorkSimple Pricing and Availability:

• WorkSimple Basic for Unlimited Users (Free): Social Goals™, Teams, Goal Categories, Feedback, Recognition, and Reporting
• WorkSimple Team Edition: $5 per user, per month. The Team edition includes all Basic Features, plus Goal Reviews, Goal Scores, and Enhanced Reporting.
• WorkSimple Company Edition: Includes enhance administration controls

• Website:
• Sign Up:
• Pricing:
• How it Works:

WorkSimple, The Social Goal Management Company, provides a simple and secure way for employees to publish, share, and track their goals. Small teams and large global organizations alike use social goals to improve communication, productivity, and engagement. The basic version of WorkSimple is free, and includes social goals, recognition, feedback, goal activity streams, and automated weekly status reports. Customers can pay to upgrade their social goal network for additional functionality including goal reviews, goal score, and employee influence. Get started at

Media Contacts:

Morgan Norman

Jennifer LeClaire
Revelation Media for WorkSimple